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2011/05/13 @ 20:59 | 0 Comment [s]

bowink seh dok umh....g skolh pown bowink...
taon nie xbest..klas aku taon nie pown xbest..
xsemeriah klas taon lpas...ak rndu at geng2 aku taon
lpas..(yana,syira,mira,azni)...taon nie ak xde geng...
just de kwn baek..geng2 aku taon lpas smua dh de geng bru...
tp aku?enth lh..mnta2 a taon dpn dpt klas yg gempak..
kwn aku taon nie xbest,xgempak,xkecoh...
smua gedik2..haha(jgn trase aw nad n mai)grau jer,,,
bowink a dok umh...mak aku taw membebel jer kja nyer..
asyik2 soh wt kja jer..ps2 nk prefect jer smua..
mne leh cm2..tension tol aku..*sabo je lh~~*...
nk wt ape yek at umh nie..kja aku on9,bka blogger,bka utube
n dgr lgu 2 jer...
EMM...BOWINK...lme2 jg gler aku...


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